Monday, January 14, 2008

Antioxidant Vitamin C

Also is known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C plays a very important role in many of the body functions, and is especially beneficial to the defense system.

You've probably heard people say to "drink plenty of orange juice" when you get a cold. OJ is one of the many natural sources of this defense fighting compound. It helps to fight off foreign substances that invade the body, and it strengthens your immune system. By ingesting large amounts, it can help 'push' that cold right out of your body.

Be careful with large doses though. When taken excessively this antioxidant can very easily give you diarrhea. This can be both good and bad. When you reach the stage of diarrhea, your system is being flushed to rid it of the cold or flu you may be experiencing. That is a the good thing. The bad thing is you must be careful not to dehydrate your body. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, hot tea, and fruit juices until you are back to feeling like your old self again.

Vitamin C and all antioxidant vitamins work with your bodys' natural defense system to rid it of free radical. Therefore, it aids you agaainst many diseases.

Another aspect of this vitamin is that it helps the formation of collage, which is found in the skin, teeth, and bones.

It is advisable to include C daily in recommended amounts as a means of protection. Bump up your consumption when illness strikes.

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