Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dementia Fighting Vitamin

In the news this morning was a story about a breakthrough in the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The study found that a lack of vitamin B9 (Folate and folic acid) can triple your risk of developing this terrible disease. Many of us already knew the importance of folate and folic acid to dementia, but this study further confirms it.

B9 aids the body in creating new cells. It is essential that we consume enough of this element.

As we age, our body naturally decreases its ability to create new cells. It is already known that heavy consumption of alcohol and 'street drugs' interfere with this process. As our brain cells (specifically) die, they need all of the help they can get to reproduce more cells.

Folate naturally occurs in leafy vegetables like spinach, turnip greens, lettuces, dried beans and peas and in some fruits.

If you are concerned with memory problems it appears as though adding a supplemental dose of B9 to your diet surely wouldn't hurt. Make sure you are also getting enough B12 too, as it too helps your entire nervous system.

If you are into natural remedies as I am, you might be interested in the following products to help with and prevent memory problems.

1. Get Info on MemoRise for Improved Memory and Retention

2. Get Information on Triple Complex Brain Tonic Tissue Salts

You can read the story I referred to above here.

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