Thursday, February 14, 2008

Vitamin Benefits for the Muscles

We tend to think of maintaining and strengthening muscles of the arms, legs, back, etc. We work them and nourish them through exercise and eating right.

Are you aware of other important muscles in the body? Did you know that the heart is a muscle too? Did you know that our muscles are responsible for holding our internal organs in place? That being said, we have to consider all muscles when we as we plan both fitness routines and vitamin supplementation.

Let's look at which vitamins benefit our muscles the most.Vitamin C is a must that aids in the absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These elements all work together enabling our muscles to contract properly. Each and every muscle of the body, including the heart, must contract properly in order to maintain good, general health to the entire body.

Our muscles also rely on vitamin C for healthy blood vessels. Blood vessels are the oxygen (and other nutrients) lifeline to our muscles.

Vitamin C aids the body in forming collagen and elastin. These two elements provide structure to our muscles by enforcing our connective tissues.

The B vitamins are essential for creating red blood cells for the whole body. Our muscles need these healthy strong, red blood cells in order to function well. Our entire body relies on them as a matter of fact.

Deficiencies of B vitamins can lead poor muscle coordination, which can lead to even further problems with our entire structure. So, make sure you are getting enough B complex in your diet, or daily supplements.

Both vitamin B and C work with other nutrients to perform their functions well, therefore a good, multiple vitamin is recommended for everyone, whether you decide to add other supplements or not.

Along with these nutrients, you must also get regular exercise to sustain, maintain, and strengthen every muscle in your body.

Some natural supplements to aid the muscles include:

1. StretchEasy Formula - Prevent stretchmarks, improve skin tone, flexibility and elasticity. A good all-around muscle aid.

2. JointEase Plus for Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. It assists the joints, especially if you have joint problems, which supports the muscles.

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