Monday, February 18, 2008

Disease Prevention With Vitamin Supplements

We all should eat well balanced meals in order to get the proper nutrition for our body. How many of us actually do eat right though?

This is where vitamin supplements can help you.

Vitamin deficiencies range from being physically tired, loss of appetite, catching colds often, emotionally stressed, canker sores in the mouth, chapped lips, dry skin, and the list goes on.

Aside from just plain not eating right, other things can rob your body of needed vitamins. These things can include excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and medications.

With or without a healthy diet, a regime of daily vitamins certainly can help prevent the onset of common ailments as well as act as a disease prevention.

Your genes, of course, play a big role in your outcome of diseases such as cancers, hearth problems and arthritis. If your family history includes any of these, this is all the more reason to supplement your diet.

Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C, B (especially B6, B12 and folic acid), D and E. Preferably you want to acquire these through the foods you eat as natural nutrients are much better. But to be safe, at the very least a multi-vitamin should be part of your daily routine.

In early stages of life and as you age into senior years, vitamins play an even more important role. During these stages of life, the body reacts differently, digests differently, and have more instances of everyday activities (including medicines) that can counter their effects.

To be safe and to prevent deficiencies, take your daily vitamin supplements to help keep your body healthy and strong and to prevent diseases.

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