Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's The Best Vitamin For Energy?

An excellent source of vitamins for energy is the FRS Energy Drink.

You could take a daily dose of vitamin B complex, which can give you a boost to some degree. The B12 component of this supplement is used by many to elevate their level of fatigue and tiredness.

But, I believe that FRS can offer more to those of many lifestyles, including athletes, dieters, those recovery from illnesses, and anyone who simply needs a boost of energy.

FRS contains important nutrients, including the above mentioned B vitamins, as well as the antioxidants C and E. It gets many of those nutrients from an additive called quercetin, which comes from the fava d' anta fruit from Brazil. It is a natural ingredient which promotes a healthy immune system as well as aids in managing one's weight.

FRS also includes 48mg of caffeine, which aids as a metabolic enhancer to enable the body to better absorb the other ingredients.

Recommended daily servings are in the morning and afternoon when the body is normally at its peak of energy usage.

You can get a free, complimentary 2 week trial of FRS by request.

FRS is a new kind of healthy energy that provides sustained energy without the crash. Try FRS Free!*

The Best Drink With Vitamins For Energy

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Vitamins and Pregnancy - Should You Take Prenatal Vitamins

Every woman should consult her physician before taking vitamins before and after becoming pregnant.

While it is true that developing embryos need proper nutrients in order to develope into a healthy baby, not all supplements are recommended. Just as certain, too much of certain vitamins can cause problems.

There are recommended prenatal nutrients which all pregnant woman should pay close attention to, but each woman's body can be, and is, different. By all means, get advice from your doctor.

Preferably, you eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet every day that includes plenty of fruits, all colors of vegetables, whole grains and water, and few (or no) processed foods. Even still, your doctor may recommend a specially formulated prenatal vitamin supplement to take daily.

Follow your doctor's advice. If he suggest or prescribes a vitamin supplement, use what he tells you. It is typically best to take a daily supplement (multi-vitamin) specially formulated for new mothers. These will include a higher amount of folate (folic acid), calcium, and iron than a regular daily vitamin.

It is not advisable to take a regular multi-vitamin and add to that an additional pill for the folate, calcium and iron. You can get too much of these nutrients when taken this way, that may adversely affect you and/or your baby.

Every pregnant mother-to-be should ask her physician about prenatal vitamins and follow his recommendations accordingly.

Some recommended prenatal vitamin/mineral formula's include:

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Water Soluble Vitamins

The water soluble vitamins include vitamin C and those making up B complex which include B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), B15 (pangamic acid) biotin, inositol, PABA, and folic acid.

Since they are dissolved by water, they are not stored in our body like the fat soluble vitamins are. Instead, water soluble vitamins are excreted from the body by way of urine. Therefore, it is essential to consume sufficient amounts of each every day.

Preferably, you should consume by way of the foods you eat. If you know you eat poorly, it would be wise to add vitamin supplements to your diet on a daily basis.
