Monday, April 30, 2007

Acne Treatment - The Vitamin Way to Acne Treatment

Acne treatment can be a matter of taking the necessary vitamins, getting proper nutrition, and regularly cleansing to get your condition under control. All three of these are equally important to the skin, so there may be no need for acne medication from a physician.

Most, but not all, teenagers go through a phase where pimples can be a problem. It might be a mild problem or a severe enough condition that it can greatly affect your social life.

Adult acne, just as teens, can be treated and controled in the same manner, with the right nutriets and cleansing. Most often it can affect adult women prior to and/or during their period. During this time, women can have flare-ups of blemishes and PMS, which can usually be improved by taking B6 supplements.

No matter what your age, if dermal erruptions are a problem, chances are that if you strive to get enough of the essential nutrients you change your method and timing of cleansing the affected areas, your situation will improve.

Let's take a look at the essential for a healthy appearance.

Vitamins B2 and B6. These two can reduce the oiliness as well as reduce the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.

Beta carotene. Not only does it aid the resistance of infections, but beta carotene also helps to give you a soft, smooth disease free appearance.

Rose hips C with bioflavonoids. This can greatly help in preventing the spread of any dermal disease. It also promotes the healing of scar tissue.

Vitamin E can improve the cirulation of capillaries in the face. It's method of healing helps to replace the cells in the outer layer. It also works together with C to keep you looking healthier and less prone to pimples.

Acidophilus. Acidophilus fights bad bacteria, which can cause disease.

Cysteine. Helps to make you look younger.

Multi-Vitamin. Everyone should probably take these on a daily basis. They promotes good, overall health. What else can they do for you?

  • Calcium helps to give you soft, smooth tissue.
  • Copper aids your color.
  • Iron can improve a pale condition.
  • Potassium helps both dryness and blemishes.
  • Zinc promotes healing both internally and

There are many products on the market. Some may work for you, some may not, but a good place to start is with the essentials I wrote above. See if it doesn't make a difference first. I believe you will see improvement.

There is an online store which we recommend for purchasing vitamin supplements and specialy supplements. Their pricing is hard to beat and they carry thousands of name brand products which you'll pay much more for in real world stores. Visit the House of Nutrition, place your order, and save yourself some money.

Be healthy and acne free!

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine, or vitamin B1, can:

  • aid digestion
  • help break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats
  • better your mental attitude
  • aid growth
  • aid the nervous system
  • deter sea and air sickness

Since it is water soluble, vitamin B1 should be replenished every day since the body cannot store it sufficiently. As with all water soluble vitamins, you loose it in your urine. Be sure to get your daily nutritional requirements.

In order to work properly, B1, B2, and B6 should be fairly balanced. If you take supplements, it's recommended to take these three in equal amounts of milligrams.

Things that can deplete B1 in your body include:

  • alcohol
  • antacids
  • caffeine
  • drugs containing sulfa
  • estrogen
  • heavy amounts of sugar
  • smoking cigarettes

You should probably increase your intake of this vitamin if your daily activities include a large consumption of any of the above, or if you:

  • are exceptionally stressed
  • recently had surgery
  • are nursing a baby
  • are pregnant
  • you take the pill
  • suffer from anxiety
  • suffer from trauma
  • have any disease

Symptoms of thiamine deficiency include memory loss, and the disease Beriberi. Other symptoms of inadequate amounts include:
depression, headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, tingling nerves, and overall tiredness.

That is not to say you necessarily have a B1 deficiency if you suffer from any of these symptoms. Deficiency of B1 (thiamine) is really quite rare since many foods are vitamin enriched these days. Most often, it is heavy alcohol consuption which causes this particular deficiency.

If you'd like to buy vitamins online, or vitamin supplements, you can always get very good discounts PLUS Free Shipping on all Orders Over $150.00 by visiting House of Nutrition

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Vitamin B Complex Benefits

Vitamin B complex is very important for almost every function of the body. Besides keeping us healthy physically, these vitamins play an important role in keeping us balanced emotionally.

Vitamin B complex consists of 8 different B vitamins. They are:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B6 (pryidoxine)
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)
  • biotin (sometimes referred to as Vitamin H)

I'll get into more detail about each of these indiviual B vitamins at a later time. Right now we're concerned with this group.

Since these B complex vitamins are water-soluble, they are excreted from the body fairly fast. Therefore, it is recommended that you take them after your meals.

Also note that when your body is stressed, either physically or emotionally, you probably need more B complex vitamins in your diet.

To make it easier, you can buy B Complex vitamins in combination in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid, rather than take each individual B vitamin seperately.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM)

Essentially all products used in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) will fall under new FDA guidelines if the FDA has its way.

If you take vitamins, herbs, or supplements of any kind, are you aware that the United States government is attempting to classify and regulate them as drugs?

That's only part of the story. Any type of homeopathic medicine, even vegetable juices, massage oils and rocks, essential oils, bottled water (for hydration) and any and all kinds of alternative medicines are included in this reclassification.

The document is called
Docket No. 2006D-0480 Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration.

Read it for yourself, please.

What does this reclassification mean to us? It means that the FDA is attempting to block our legal access to natural therapies and preventions.

What can you do to keep the FDA from taking away our rights to natural medicine and therapies?

I urge you to post your comments directly to the FDA concerning this new docket. Go to FDA Comments to file a complaint until April 30, 2007.

Also, please contact your representatives in Washington as soon as possible, preferably in a hand-written, postal mailed letter. It can make a difference. You can make a difference!

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Reduce your Risk of Alzheimer’s

Did you know that many vitamins can greatly reduce your risk of getting a lot of diseases? Yes indeed they can.

One such disease is Alzheimer’s, something all of us wish to avoid. Unfortunately, as our age increases, so does our risk of acquiring Alzheimer’s.

How can vitamins benefits you then? Two vitamins, Vitamin C and E not only help reduce risk of Alzheimer’s, but they can actually help to slow the progression of it once it's already present.

Should you or someone you love already have this affliction, or any other medical condition for that fact, it would be wise to first consult a physician before supplementing with extra vitamin C and/or Vitmain E. In some cases some vitamins can work against medications a patient may be taking.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Vitamin c - Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin c, also known as Ascorbic Acid, is a water soluble antioxidant vitamin that can aid your body in the following ways:

  • maintain and repair the condition of skin
  • produce collagen, which can slow down the aging process that causes wrinkles and sagging skin
  • heal wounds faster
  • helps properly absorb iron
  • decrease blood cholesterol
  • helps utilize carbohydrates
  • maintain the growth and repair of bones
  • helps boosts your immune system
  • maintain the growth and repair of gums and teeth
  • assist in preventing viral and bacterial infections
  • synthesize fats and proteins
  • increase the production of white blood cells and antibodies
  • strengthen artery walls
  • reduce the incidense of blood clots in veins
  • maintain growth and repair of blood vessels
  • aid the bone marrow's ability to produce red blood cells and hemoglobin
  • keep the nervous system healthy
  • maintain the growth and repair of body tissue cells
  • boost healing following surgery
  • can lower the incidence of some cancers

Recommemded Daily Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C for Males (mg/day):

  • Children 1-3 years 15
  • Children 4-8 years 25
  • Children 9-13 years 45
  • Adolescents 14-18 years 75
  • Adults 19 years and older 90
  • Smokers 19 years and older 125

  • Recommemded Daily Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C for Females (mg/day):

    • Children 1-3 years 15
    • Children 4-8 years 25
    • Children 9-13 years 45
    • Adolescents 14-18 years 65
    • Adults 19 years and older 75
    • Smokers 19 years and older 110
    • Pregnant 18 years and younger 80
    • Pregnant 19 years and older 85
    • Breastfeeding 18 years and younger 115
    • Breastfeeding 19 years and older 120

    • The human body does not produce its own vitamin c, therefore you must consume it in the foods you eat and by using supplements, if necessary.

      Vitamin c is very important in maintaining quality skin care, and in fighting the common cold, among it's many other roles.

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      Thursday, April 19, 2007

      Antioxidant Vitamins

      The antioxidant vitamins, including Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A (beta carotene) are important essentials that can help combat free radicals in our body. They have properties that actually promote our good health.

      Research has shown that antioxidant vitamins can aid in preventing diseases, ranging from cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes to heart ailments, cataracts and even alzheimer's. There is also evidence to support that they fight degenerative diseases and aging of both the body and the mind.

      Oxidation produces free radicals, which can damage other molecules in the body. Antioxidants neutralize these free radicals, thus blocking the natural process of oxidation.

      The power of antioxidants can be amazing.

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      Wednesday, April 18, 2007

      Are You Getting Enough Vitamins?

      How are your eating habits? Good, fair, poor?

      If you are like the majority of people, your nutritional intake isn't quite up to par. Poor eating habits can rob your body of the nutrients you need to function properly.

      To be at your peak performance you should seriously consider supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals. But be cautious, as our bodies are not all created equally.

      Women, men, teens, elderly, those who are athletic, those who have any type of medical condition, those who are unable to be very physically active, and those who live or work under more extreme environmental conditions all have different nutritional requirements. We are all different.

      Before taking any supplements of any kind, it's a very good idea to get advice from a qualified professional, preferably your doctor first.
