Acne Treatment - The Vitamin Way to Acne Treatment
Most, but not all, teenagers go through a phase where pimples can be a problem. It might be a mild problem or a severe enough condition that it can greatly affect your social life.
Adult acne, just as teens, can be treated and controled in the same manner, with the right nutriets and cleansing. Most often it can affect adult women prior to and/or during their period. During this time, women can have flare-ups of blemishes and PMS, which can usually be improved by taking B6 supplements.
No matter what your age, if dermal erruptions are a problem, chances are that if you strive to get enough of the essential nutrients you change your method and timing of cleansing the affected areas, your situation will improve.
Let's take a look at the essential for a healthy appearance.
Vitamins B2 and B6. These two can reduce the oiliness as well as reduce the formation of blackheads and whiteheads.
Beta carotene. Not only does it aid the resistance of infections, but beta carotene also helps to give you a soft, smooth disease free appearance.
Rose hips C with bioflavonoids. This can greatly help in preventing the spread of any dermal disease. It also promotes the healing of scar tissue.
Vitamin E can improve the cirulation of capillaries in the face. It's method of healing helps to replace the cells in the outer layer. It also works together with C to keep you looking healthier and less prone to pimples.
Acidophilus. Acidophilus fights bad bacteria, which can cause disease.
Cysteine. Helps to make you look younger.
Multi-Vitamin. Everyone should probably take these on a daily basis. They promotes good, overall health. What else can they do for you?
- Calcium helps to give you soft, smooth tissue.
- Copper aids your color.
- Iron can improve a pale condition.
- Potassium helps both dryness and blemishes.
- Zinc promotes healing both internally and
There are many products on the market. Some may work for you, some may not, but a good place to start is with the essentials I wrote above. See if it doesn't make a difference first. I believe you will see improvement.
There is an online store which we recommend for purchasing vitamin supplements and specialy supplements. Their pricing is hard to beat and they carry thousands of name brand products which you'll pay much more for in real world stores. Visit the House of Nutrition
, place your order, and save yourself some money.
Be healthy and acne free!
Labels: acne medicine, acne treatment, acne vitamin, adult acne